Monday, September 30, 2013

The Notebook... and nonsense that you shouldnt read.

I just saw The Notebook for the first time... I was alone... and all I did was watch the movie quietly. I dont know why but I could understand Noah's feelings. I could felt what Noah was feeling. Now I understand that for a woman is hard to forget, and painful... but for a man is almost impossible. When a man love... its forever.

Now I cant stop crying thinking about the movie. Noah's feelings... everything was so real for me I cant even explain it.

I'm a woman and I've been in love so I know how hard is for us to forget, to love and to be loved... but we can love again, thats for sure, or we can lie ourselves to believe that we are in love again but for a man its so, so hard, so impossible when they truly love someone. Yes, some men are idiots who play with women feelings but there are some women who play with men feelings too, the one that truly loves.

I dont even know what I'm saying. I have all this feelings and thoughts in my head, it hurts. Thinking and feeling but in the end I have the same answer... I dont want to believe in love. Love is something that people many years ago understood and today maybe some people still understand what love is... but I dont want to keep believing, its a waste of time for me.

The Notebook is such a good movie that I've always wanted to watch and today I had the chance... if you are really sentimental like me then I recommend you to have a bunch of nose-rag(?) and dont expect to watch this movie and dont feel anything. At first I felt really heartless because I was just enjoying the movie but then I could understand it and, well, beautiful.

The words are stuck in my head and I'm just saying nonsense things. I'm sorry I just feel like I had to write this and vent...

Thank you for reading, xoxo

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Get to know me

Hello! I wanted to post something today but I really don't know what so I decided to make a "30 random facts about me" post :) you wont get to know me with only 30 facts but you'll know a little bit more about me.

1.- Only my closest friends and family know my name. I like it that way.
2.- I hate being alone outside but loneliness is my best roommate. I love being alone in my room.
3.- I have arachnophobia. If you are with me when I see a spider... please don't be scared.
4.- Sometimes when I say I hate something or I don't like someone I end up loving it.
5.- I have 2 tattooes and I want more.
6.- I have the worst memory in the whole world. I forget everything, always.
7.- My tattoos are reminders. They help me to NOT forget.
8.- I'm scared of almost everything.
9.- I love swimwear but I can't use them.
10.- I'm a voice actress here in my country.
11.- Acting is one of my biggest passions even though I'm not good at it, i want to take classes.
12.- I'm a very nervous person. When I get too nervous my mind goes blank, inertia moves me and when I "wake up" I can't remember anything. That only happened to me twice, the last was in one of the most important days of my life... yes, I still feel bad becuase I screw it.
13.- I'm shy.
14.- I'm lazy.
15.- I want to live in Los Angeles, California.
16.- I'm weird and I like it.
17.- I love USA.
18.- I like to write my feelings in a diary (and now here)
19.- I get stressed when I cant do something or someone cant understand me.
20.- I love summer and Winter. Maybe because those are the only season my country have.
21.- I love the sun and the beach even though I say I hate going there.
22.- I'm cold almost all the time.
23.- My rolemodel is Jessica Lange.
24.- My favorite book is the Monster High series, deal with it. I havent read the 3rd yet because is sooo expensive in my country.
25.- I talk when I'm watching a movie even if I'm alone because if I concentrate in the movie I end up feeling what the main character feels.
26.- The rain makes me feel sad.
27.- I didnt talk when me and my friends saw "The Shining" movie... it was the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life. I couldnt see that movie again.
28.- I believe I was born in the wrong era.
29.- I gave Kendall Schmidt my heart. He can totally keep it, I dont want it back.
30.- I hate feeling my hands dirty. I wash them all the time... even when I end my shower I wash them.

Done! 30 random facts about weird-Sora. I hope you enjoyed and get to know me a little bit more :) see you in my next post~

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Time Wasting

It is so hard for someone like me to do what they love.

Things are getting harder and harder here in my country. To live is an a continual battle, work in whatever you can to make some money just to buy what it's essencial... go out to save places (aka another friend's house or just stay at home). Be careful on the street because someone can follow you...

Just to live it's a nightmare, to make your dreams come true... it's a war. If you don't follow the crowd you'll never be someone in this life. Doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher... Just a stereotype. If you don't become in something everybody want, following what other people do, you are just nobody. If your goals are differents then you have a situation: maybe your parents wont take you serious or maybe they can support you in whatever you want... BUT if what you want to do with your life is too different than what people normally want it's a odyssey to make it real. Some people could, some people can, some people are stronger enough to know that their future is uncertain but they keep fighting for what they want... no matter what people arround say. And some others just get too scared and just follow the crowd. Well I'm not that kind of person.

My name is... well, you can call me Sora. I don't think about me like a stronger person but I'm keep doing my best to follow my heart and not the crowd. Sometimes my family doesn't support me and no matter how weak that makes me feel I keep trying and trying.

My "dreams" and "goals" are differents. I want to be a youtuber, I was moving to Los Angeles a year ago to study English (I apologize for my bad English) to start doing what I really want because I wasted my time like no other. But something happened here in my country and I couldn't leave. I tried to feel better about it, my mom said "Next year will be better.. Don't worry" but guess what? Nothing is getting better, everything is getting worse and worse everyday. So I decided to start here, in my room, learning by myself, trying to make videos and, you know, just start something.

I know being a youtuber isn't easy and isn't for everybody but if life were easy nothing would worth. If you want the easy way then just follow the crowd. I know this may not be my thing and I would maybe end up following the crowd but if that happens it wont be because I never tried hard enough to make it work, it'll be because I already did all I could.

You have to follow your dreams, always, no matter how hard it seems to make them real. The worst battle is the one you don't fight so get up, fight and never waste your time.


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