Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Get to know me

Hello! I wanted to post something today but I really don't know what so I decided to make a "30 random facts about me" post :) you wont get to know me with only 30 facts but you'll know a little bit more about me.

1.- Only my closest friends and family know my name. I like it that way.
2.- I hate being alone outside but loneliness is my best roommate. I love being alone in my room.
3.- I have arachnophobia. If you are with me when I see a spider... please don't be scared.
4.- Sometimes when I say I hate something or I don't like someone I end up loving it.
5.- I have 2 tattooes and I want more.
6.- I have the worst memory in the whole world. I forget everything, always.
7.- My tattoos are reminders. They help me to NOT forget.
8.- I'm scared of almost everything.
9.- I love swimwear but I can't use them.
10.- I'm a voice actress here in my country.
11.- Acting is one of my biggest passions even though I'm not good at it, i want to take classes.
12.- I'm a very nervous person. When I get too nervous my mind goes blank, inertia moves me and when I "wake up" I can't remember anything. That only happened to me twice, the last was in one of the most important days of my life... yes, I still feel bad becuase I screw it.
13.- I'm shy.
14.- I'm lazy.
15.- I want to live in Los Angeles, California.
16.- I'm weird and I like it.
17.- I love USA.
18.- I like to write my feelings in a diary (and now here)
19.- I get stressed when I cant do something or someone cant understand me.
20.- I love summer and Winter. Maybe because those are the only season my country have.
21.- I love the sun and the beach even though I say I hate going there.
22.- I'm cold almost all the time.
23.- My rolemodel is Jessica Lange.
24.- My favorite book is the Monster High series, deal with it. I havent read the 3rd yet because is sooo expensive in my country.
25.- I talk when I'm watching a movie even if I'm alone because if I concentrate in the movie I end up feeling what the main character feels.
26.- The rain makes me feel sad.
27.- I didnt talk when me and my friends saw "The Shining" movie... it was the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life. I couldnt see that movie again.
28.- I believe I was born in the wrong era.
29.- I gave Kendall Schmidt my heart. He can totally keep it, I dont want it back.
30.- I hate feeling my hands dirty. I wash them all the time... even when I end my shower I wash them.

Done! 30 random facts about weird-Sora. I hope you enjoyed and get to know me a little bit more :) see you in my next post~

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