Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time Wasting

It is so hard for someone like me to do what they love.

Things are getting harder and harder here in my country. To live is an a continual battle, work in whatever you can to make some money just to buy what it's essencial... go out to save places (aka another friend's house or just stay at home). Be careful on the street because someone can follow you...

Just to live it's a nightmare, to make your dreams come true... it's a war. If you don't follow the crowd you'll never be someone in this life. Doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher... Just a stereotype. If you don't become in something everybody want, following what other people do, you are just nobody. If your goals are differents then you have a situation: maybe your parents wont take you serious or maybe they can support you in whatever you want... BUT if what you want to do with your life is too different than what people normally want it's a odyssey to make it real. Some people could, some people can, some people are stronger enough to know that their future is uncertain but they keep fighting for what they want... no matter what people arround say. And some others just get too scared and just follow the crowd. Well I'm not that kind of person.

My name is... well, you can call me Sora. I don't think about me like a stronger person but I'm keep doing my best to follow my heart and not the crowd. Sometimes my family doesn't support me and no matter how weak that makes me feel I keep trying and trying.

My "dreams" and "goals" are differents. I want to be a youtuber, I was moving to Los Angeles a year ago to study English (I apologize for my bad English) to start doing what I really want because I wasted my time like no other. But something happened here in my country and I couldn't leave. I tried to feel better about it, my mom said "Next year will be better.. Don't worry" but guess what? Nothing is getting better, everything is getting worse and worse everyday. So I decided to start here, in my room, learning by myself, trying to make videos and, you know, just start something.

I know being a youtuber isn't easy and isn't for everybody but if life were easy nothing would worth. If you want the easy way then just follow the crowd. I know this may not be my thing and I would maybe end up following the crowd but if that happens it wont be because I never tried hard enough to make it work, it'll be because I already did all I could.

You have to follow your dreams, always, no matter how hard it seems to make them real. The worst battle is the one you don't fight so get up, fight and never waste your time.


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